Thursday, 14 July 2011

More Skiathos Wildlife

The thing that I am most afraid of are moths, moths and butterflies, if they come near me I'm like a woman possessed, lol.  but when I saw this beautiful creature gliding around so elegantly I was memorised, it looked so graceful.  It settled long enough for me to get a couple of half decent photos.  I did have a zoom lens with me which meant i didn't have to get too close, if it had ever come within an inch of me you would have heard me screaming back in the UK !!

If anyone knows what it is please leave a message.


  1. Hi there, lovely images and it is a Scarce Swallowtail (sometimes called Zebra Swallowtail). Very beautiful :)

  2. My goodness! What stunning photos!!!

  3. Looked up your beautiful flutterby in my DK Butterfly and Moth book. Unfortunately, the stripes on the Scarce Butterfly flare the other way, toward the head, not away from it. The book particularly points this out. I googled it - butterfly plus Greece and came up with a blog entry with a butterfly photo that looks much like yours and is identified as a "Lemon Butterfly". This isn't in any of my books. However, when you google "Lemon Butterfly", it doesn't look anything like yours. I finally googled Greece, Swallowtail butterfly and came up with a photo that could have been of the same butterfly you found. This time it is simply identified as the Common Swallowtail. Whatever it is Maggie, it is very pretty.

  4. I have never seen a butterfly like this before in all my long years. What is it? I remember when we used to get great big moths come in the house at night and Tom, myself and the 3 kids used to be like loonies until Tom got it out, they were really big. Sadly we don't see tham at all now..

  5. We see these beautiful butterflies in our garden in Italy usually feasting on the nectar of the white jasmine flowers. I know it as a swallowtail butterfly. I love butterflies especially when they are at rest on a pretty flower.

  6. I don't know what kind it is but I love the shot you took.
    I am afraid of stink bugs. You can hear me scream countries away!
