Monday, 31 January 2011

First of 365

I've cheated on this post, sharing three photos.  Last year i took a couple of short photography courses, these photos are some taken for a project.  We were given a subject and i chose portraits.  My youngest daughter was roped into helping me out and these are my favourites

Summer 2010

  Summer 2010

Summer 2010

With the exception of the last one where i removed a couple of blemishes, these photos are not edited in any way.

Thank you for looking x


  1. Welcome to the 365 Project. Glad you decided to join.

    Your photos of your daughter are BEAUTIFUL (as is she!)

  2. They are all great. I love the second one the best. You can see movement and can imagine what she was thinking. A truly beautiful shot.

  3. Beautiful photos of your DD Maggie. I love the black and white one.
